Foldscope events in India: the Delhi photoblog - IndiaBioscience

The Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India and the Prakash Lab at Stanford University, USA signed an agreement a few months ago to bring the Foldscope to India to encourage curiosity in science, and the first event from this collaboration was organised in Delhi on 16 December 2015.

A Foldscope workshop at Sri Venketeshwara College was the start of the events. Students from all over Delhi and India attended this workshop, and a list of attendees can be found here. The day ended with a long talk by Manu Prakash at Gargi College, Delhi, where he spoke to assembled students about how uninhibited enquiry and learning from mistakes are important components of science.

The workshop proceeded in stages. Stage 1: Assembling the origami microscope.

Stage 2: Getting the biological sample in place

Stage 3:

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thank you for giving a precise view of the foldscope workshop at venkateshwara college delhi.