IndiaBiostreams: Promoting Translational & Industrial Research - IndiaBioscience

Dr. Alka Sharma (Scientist G, DBT) and Deepanwita Chattopadhyay, (Chairperson & CEO, IKP Knowledge Park), joined us on the fifth instalment of the interactive webinar series from the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. This webinar was on promoting translational and industrial research through research facilities, resources and technology platforms.


0:00 Welcome and Introductions

3:25 Audience Poll 1

4:55 Address by Dr. Alka Sharma

7:19 National Biotechnology Development Strategy

8:34 Translational and Industrial Development — DBT’s Schemes

10:12 National Biopharma Mission

11:05 Bio-clusters, Biotech Parks and Incubators


13:13 Biodesign Programmes


Healthcare and Innovation Centre, IIT‑M: https://​www​.iitm​.ac​.in/htic

Centre for Bio-design and in-vitro diagnostics, THSTI: http://​dbtin​dia​.gov​.in/​c​e​n​t​r​e​-​b​i​odesi…

Bioengineering and Bio-design Initiative, IISc, Bangalore: http://​dbtin​dia​.gov​.in/​b​i​o​d​e​s​i​g​n​-bioe…

16:22 Policies and Schemes

16:37 StartUp India Action Plan: https://​www​.star​tupin​dia​.gov​.in/

17:28 India’s Biotech Startups

18:18BIRAC: https://​www​.birac​.nic​.in/

18:59 Schemes supporting innovation and translational research

20:15 Biotechnology Ignition Grant (BIG): https://​www​.birac​.nic​.in/​b​i​g.php

20:43 Small Business Innovation Research Initiative (SBIRI): https://​www​.birac​.nic​.in/​w​e​b​c​o​n​t​ent/S…

21:50 Biotechnology Industry Partnership Programme (BIPP): https://​www​.birac​.nic​.in/​d​e​s​c​_​n​e​w.php…

22:28 Promoting Academic Research Conversion to Enterprise (PACE): https://​birac​.nic​.in/​d​e​s​c​_​n​e​w​.​p​h​p​?​i​d=286

23:18 BioNEST: Launchpads for Startups

25:38 Grand Challenges India: https://​gcgh​.grand​chal​lenges​.org/anno…

28:17 Audience Poll 2

30:06 Address by Deepanwita Chattopadhyay

30:06 Life Science Innovation Ecosystem

34:31 Innovation funding landscape

36:40 Partner in Fostering Innovation Ecosystem

38:56 Biotechnology Ignition Grant: the Game Changer

40:08 The Spread

41:05 Startup Successes in Pharma, MedTech and IKP

43:10 Startup Success: Agri, Industrial Bio

44:03IKP Footprint

44:29IKP Impact


45:37 Question & Answer

46:37 What is the technological support available when we have a proof of concept, to take an idea to commercialisation?

49:13 Are biomedical applications favoured over agri-based applications? What are the reasons why a project may not be funded under SBIRI scheme?

54:20 Are there special schemes for biotech projects in North East India?

55:23 For projects where industry and academia collaborate, which is the right place to apply for funding and what is the share between industry and academia?

57:10 What causes doubts in translating technology?

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at