Hello all,
Sharing the latest article on our blog, on the thawing of permafrost and its regional and global impacts. This is the second part of our series on the Arctic. Any feedback is most welcome! Thanks!
Yesterday the first captured image of a Black hole hit the internet. But imaging a Black hole has a long history. Actually, it all started with a pen and ink drawing. Here is the History of Black hole imaging, a short essay in comics.
Illustrated article, published in Club Sci Wri. Here is the link:
An essay in comics on the history of antibiotic research, originally published in ClubSciWri
A comic based on a scientific article, “The Evolution of Biology” by Lawrence Kelly and Michael Scott, EMBO Reports. This was done as part of an outreach assignment, in an attempt to get students to think about how we view research in biological sciences.
Here’s the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hoaTGI8ZyzV4UdIqUVXgHNveGclI5Zrj/view?usp=sharing